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Handlebar Vibration Dampners

These Can Be Purchased From Steiger Performance



Add internal handlebar weights as follows.

1. Get 2 pieces of solid cold-rolled steel about 5 inches long x 3/4" diameter. The 5" works for certain aftermarket grips. OEM grips WILL require a different length.

2. Bevel the ends of each piece w/grinder or file

3. Take a piece of an old inner tube and cut a piece that is about 7" that will wrap around the cold rolled steel weight.

4. Make sure that when wrapped around the weight that no rubber overlaps.

5. Lubricate one side of the rubber with new engine oil.

6. Stuff this piece of rubber inside of handlebar lengthwise and square with dry side of rubber touching the inside of the bar.

7. Lubricate the 5" weight with same oil and tap weight into piece of rubber you put in bar end. It will go relatively easy but still have a snug fit.

8. Tap in only until weight is just past bar end. OR as far as necessary to allow install of the OEM chrome bar ends. With OEM bar ends the 5 inches may be a bit long so measure for correct length. The installed weight must not go in farther than the hole in bar that allows the wires to enter from your switches. I used aftermarket grips so the 5 inches was fine. If you are using OEM handgrips, make sure you get this measurement correct as these weights are very difficult to remove unless you drill and tap a threaded hole in the end of them that will accept a bolt to aid removal.

9. Trim off excess rubber with a very sharp razor knife.


You have a rubber-mounted handlebar weight to reduce vibrations (BUT NOT ELIMINATE) that will never rust due to the oil you used to aid install. It worked for me.

Tom Gilbertson



Chuck was a member Of The Cafe & Sent Me This


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