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Tools To Carry

Rolling Bike

A discussion on the Intruder Alert message board
has lead to the creation of this page

Rolling Bike

Contents Of The OEM Suzuki Toolkit

Open End Wrenches Metric:10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm
Screwdrivers: Flat Blade, #2 Phillips, #3 Phillips
Pliers, Allen Wrenches: 6mm, 12mm
Sparkplug Wrench
Rolling Bike
Skoops Toolkit
Rolling Bike

A full set of all the metric sockets one needs for the 1400:

8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm, and 19mm, Sparkplug Socket

1/4 drive ratchet, 1/4 to 3/8 adapter & extensions; one long, one short.

Wrenches: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm & 19mm

Various sets of pliers: needlenose, channel-locks and vise-grips.

One medium sized adjustable wrench

A screwdriver that has different heads in the handle.

A set of allen-keys that fit all the more common sizes on the bike
including the huge one at the front wheel on the forks

Some will also carry:

Leatherman Tool, 8" Cresent wrench, A stick of anti-seize,

A small tube lubricating oil, A tiny bottle of blue loctite

Fuses and Tester, 1157 bulb, Headlight Bulb, Taillight Bulb,

Brake Pads, Spark Plugs, Sharp Knife, Electrical Tape, WD-40

Can Of Fix A Flat (will work in a tube in a pinch)

Sparkplug Gap Gauge, Air Pressure Gauge, CO2 Tire Inflator,

Extra CO2 Cartridges, Stainless Steel Clamps, Electrical Crimp Ends

Air Valve Tool & extra cores, Wire, O2 Tubing, Hack saw blade

Hoses, String, Rubber Gloves, Rag- Towel, Flare,

Long Lock cable for coat, bike, etc., Kryptonite Disk Lock,

Tissues, Flashlight, Jumper Cables, Kickstand Plate

Helmet Cable Lock, Brush, Shield Spray, Visor Cleaner

Rain Gear, Wheel Chock, JB Weld 2-Part Epoxy,

Superglue, Silicone Grease, Dielectric Grease,

Locktite Pipe Sealant-(Seals bleeder threads)

Assorted Bolts & Star washers, Pen

Cell Phone & Credit Card

This list originally from Intruder Alert Member Skoop
I've added to it somewhat, with info from other
members & what I personally carry.
I use the 1/4 drive with adapters to save space & weight


There is a lot of useful information on this site, but errors are possible
All Images/external links open in New Tab
Helpful answers are $1.00 each dumb looks are still FREE
These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
If You Attempt Modifications & Ruin Your Motorcycle

It Is Your Problem.
If You Are Not Mechanically Inclined,
Get Help From Someone Who Is

I Am Not Responsible For Use/Misuse Of These Tips & Tricks
Use @ Your Discretion


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