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Removing/Replacing Indicator Lights


On the VS 1400 Intruder/S83 Boulevard, the service manual says to start at the headlight:

1. Remove the headlight housing and move it out of the way.

2. Unscrew the speedo cable.

3. Remove the screws to the wiring haness.

4. Carefully pull the slack in the wiring harness until enough room to
work. If not enough slack, you must remove the tank, tank holding
bracket, and steering head side covers.

5. Remove the screws securing the speedometer and indicator panel
to the upper tripple tree.

6. Now you can see the screws that hold the indicator assembly together.

BOTTOM LINE: The lens does not come off from the easy side you can see.

Hope this helps - Doo-Daa

Doo-Daa is a member of the Cafe


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