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Heated Jackets



Riding when it gets cold SUCKS, but spending $200 or more on a dedicated jacket
that you might use only a couple of weeks, each season, can seem foolish. I can
assure you a heated jacket is a very handy accessory!!! Some motorcycles, like the
VS800 Intruder/S50 Boulevard & the VS1400 Intruder/S83 Boulevard from Suzuki
(other makes & models too) have limited "wattage" to spare to run a typical heated
jacket. Many 12 volt jackets have a draw in the 4 amp to 6 amp range & that can
seriously "tax" the charging system on many motorcycles!!!

Some bikes will have "enough" spare watts, to run heated gear for the rider, but
not necessarily enough for their partner, which is the issue I faced, on the
DL 650 Wee Strom, that I owned. A battery powered jacket solves that issue, &
this little "hack" might just be for you

I own both the Milwaukee & Dewalt, 12 Volt Lithium battery powered jackets, and
after some research have discovered that these jackets "cycle" their heat & when
"ON" draw just under 1 amp. Perhaps good enough to use on your motorcycle under
your regular jacket.

Batteries however do not necessarily last, when you are out for a long ride or even
multi day trip. Add in the fact that a possibly bulky battery, may prove to be uncomfortable,
when worn under an outer jacket (advised) & pressed against your lower left side/back.

Many motorcycles will have an SAE plug installed for a battery "tender/maintainer" &
it's this plug we will make use of. Both jackets mentioned have a "Male" 2 mm plug
that will mate with a female counterpart

I purchased an SAE/Cigarette lighter socket adapter from Amazon which
I plug into the SAE plug on the bike (typically fused).

I purchased an adapter for the jacket from eBay that has the "Female"
end with about 6' of "coiled" cord & the "Cigarette Plug", which has a fuse inside.

Plug this into jacket, & the cigarette portion into the socket already attached to
the bike & you have a relatively inexpensive, heated jacket, that you can use
(if you have batteries) away from the motorcycle, or you can use the coiled cord
for extra heat inside your vehicle on those cold mornings


It's my opinion that the DeWalt jacket, appears to produce more heat than the
Milwaukee jacket, & I like the heated collar on my DeWalt jacket. I do not use a
"hoodie" on the bike as the hood, causes drag, which can be tiring.

The DeWalt jacket has it's power switch inside on the left breast, while the
Milwaukee has it outside & thus easier to reach inside your outer jacket &
adjust the temperature. Both jackets have 3 heat levels, but the DeWalt will
"default" to the "medium" setting after it's "warm up" cycle. This can be
overridden by a 2nd click on the power button, once power is started

Some further information, if you already own either the Dewalt or Milwaukee
jackets. I am NOT a fan of how the DeWalt batteries attach to their base,
as I find they can disconnect when moving around. Conversely the Milwaukee
battery is solid in it's holder & does not disconnect, causing less issues when
moving around. If you own Milwaukee Batteries & chargers, you CAN use
these batteries in the DeWalt jacket, as the cord on both jackets is identical

Milwaukee & DeWalt 12 Volt Jackets are Available from Many Retailers



These Jackets & Gloves Linked Below, are made to Hardwire
to Your motorcycle's electrical system, typically with an SAE or Coax Plug

Freedom Heated Clothing
Black Jack Heated Clothing
Power In Motion Heated Clothing
Gerbing Heated Gear
Volt Heated Gear
The Warming Store
First Gear Heated Clothing
DIY Heated Jacket You Tube

I prefer a Heated Jacket to a Heated Vest, as the Jackets add an extra layer of insulation in the arms,
some have heated sleeves & most jackets have a convenient plug, to connect a pair of heated Gloves

I purchased a Freedom Heated Jacket & Gloves in 2005. The gloves stopped working in the fall of 2020
& I was so impressed to get 15 years of service, I emailed the company to give praise for the lifespan.
Imagine my surprise, when they offered to "fix" my gloves, for the cost of shipping there & back

2021 will see me using Freedom Heated Gear for the 16th Season & while it's not worn everyday,
any gear that lasts that long, gets MY Seal Of Approval


There is a lot of useful information on this site, but errors are possible
All Images/external links open in New Tab
Helpful answers are $1.00 each dumb looks are still FREE
These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
If You Attempt Modifications & Ruin Your Motorcycle

It Is Your Problem.
If You Are Not Mechanically Inclined,
Get Help From Someone Who Is

I Am Not Responsible For Use/Misuse Of These Tips & Tricks
Use @ Your Discretion


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