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Yazoo Clutch Shim Install VS1400



N2rock's alternative to a bike lift--worked great!
Picture 1

First drop the front footpeg assembly
Picture 2

You will need to unbolt the brake line bracket
Picture 3

After dropping the exhaust header, remove the remaining bolts to the clutch cover and stick them into a cardboard diagram to keep track of them
Picture 4 &
Picture 5
...because there are many different sizes!

Carefully remove the clutch cover and see if the gasket is reusable
(Don't lose the two locating dowels at 10 o'clock and 4 o'clock!)

Remove one clutch bolt at a time

...and insert a Yazoo clutch shim lubricated with Lubri-Plate (or other white grease) on the end of the clutch bolt
Picture 8

Then torque the clutch bolts to the proper specification (8-12 N-m, or 71-106 in.-lb.)

Picture 9

Then reverse the process to reassemble. The clutch is just a wee bit stiffer, but the slippage is GONE! Nothing but pure TORQUE! Be careful downshifting--both N2rock and I lost rear wheel traction when we released the clutch downshifting and the rear wheel grabbed. Don't worry--we'll get used to having TORQUE ON DEMAND again!

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9

This Tip Courtesy of Blackbeard & N2Rock from the Cafe

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Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
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