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Rejetting VS1400/S83



Tools Needed

1: Jet- Kit including 2 needles, 2 metal washers, 2 metal "E" clips, 2 drill bits and one large sheet metal screw

2: An Impact Driver with a phillips bit- You did buy one first thing when you got your bike, right? If not, run to the local auto parts store, or even hardware store and pick one up for $10.00 It comes in very handy during this and many other operations with your bike.

3: Various sized phillips head screwdrivers. A small magnetic one will come in very handy.

4: A drill- preferably cordless, but it doesn't matter.

5: A small flat head screwdriver- the longer, the better.

6: A 10mm socket or wrench to remove the side cover, seat, and tank.

Step 1: Remove side covers, front seat, and fuel tank: remember to turn the gas off before this! **See Note Below**

Step 2: Undo velcro fastener around wire harness running up under the tank, and move the wires off to one side- preferably securing them there for now.

NOTE: It's easier to do the following steps with one carb, then repeat the steps with the other. Not all parts are interchangable between carbs. They are different models.

Step 3: Using impact driver and medium sized phillips head, loosen the four screws around the two carb covers (square plates with a raised circle on top of the carbs). Watch out, the cover holds in a spring, and it will shoot out if you aren't careful.

Step 4: Remove the rubber plunger-shaped covers. With a small diameter, long phillips head screwdriver, unscrew the two brass screws inside the tupe.

Step 5: Pull out the stock needle assembly. Remove new needle from the kit, and place the provided e-clip on the 3rd notch starting from the head of the needle (the blunt side). then slide the platic washer on the head of the old needle, and place it on the new needle.

Step 6: Remove the old spring and metal washer from the OEM needle, and replace it accordingly on the new needle.

Step 7: A magnetic tipped phillips head comes in very handy at this point. Slide the new needle back in the rubber housing. Using the magnetic screwdriver, place the brass plate back in over the needle. Then, using the mag. screwdriver, screw in the two small brass screws back into the rubber housing.

Step 8: Replace the rubber boot on the carb, making sure that the needle goes into the carb correctly. The kit says to drill out the slide lift hole, but I didn't. Oh well. The rubber boot only fits on one way, so make sure that it's rotated to fit before you continue.

Step 9: Reinstall the large spring, and place the cover over again. Make sure the end of the spring is aligned with the indention in the center of the cover. Replace one of the screws to hold it on while you get the rest installed. Re-tighten them, and move to the other carb and back to Step 3.

Step 10: You can either do this before, or after re-installing the seat and tanks, but it's probably a bit easier to do it before. Find the small, O-Shaped brass plugs covering the mixture screws. For the front carb, it's just under and to the right of the throttle assembly on the left side of the bike. It's a little recessed from the rest of the carb, so you've gotta hunt for it. Using the large drill bit enclosed, drill the hole out larger. Don't drill too deeply, or you will damage the mixture screw. Take the screw in the kit, and screw it in the brass plug as tight as you can. Using the pliers, pull out the screw (hopefully the plug as well). Using a small flat-head screwdriver, tighted the bolt to the right as much as you can without forcing it too much. Then loosen it 2 and a half complete turns to the left.

Step 11: The plug to the rear carb is on the right side of the bike, and jsut behind the throttle assembly as well. Repeat the same procedure was Step 10 with the back carb.

Step 12: While you have it taken apart, change the plugs, check the wires. etc. Place the wires that you moved in Step 2 back where they were, and replace the velcro cover. Replace the tank and seat. Then reattach the gas line. Here's where the most important part of the process comes into play: Remember to turn the gas back on!

Step 13: The most hated part of any adjustment or change of your ride: TEST DRIVE! By most hated of course, I really meant most loved. I kinda get those mixed up.

Courtesy Of Lee From The Cafe

Fast Cruiser
Note: Seat Removal Instructions Can be Found Here
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These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
I started gathering this information in 2002
Some of it has been collected since 1985

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should be considered to be a
, on where to start YOUR search if information has Changed
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