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Installing Risers 101
Internal Wiring/External Setup 102

*VS1400 Intruder*

As a starter the risers are from Harley Davidson
The part # is 56033-00. ANY handlebar with a 1" diameter can work if the cables are long enough

The pre 2000 1400 Intruder models Here*

First I’ll save you from making 1 mistake that I made. Relocate the throttle cable first. Loosen the tension on the throttle cable slightly. In order to do that there is a tension adjustment nut on the throttle cable right near where it goes into the kill switch housing. This adjustment nut is hidden by a rubber boot that you kinda have to roll down the cable to expose. The adjustment nut has a lock nut drawn up to it to keep it from moving. Loosen the locknut and then loosen the tension nut slightly. I think a couple of turns are enough. Take note where the nut was when you started so you can tighten it back to the same position. Next loosen the 2 Phillips screws that hold the switch housing together. Separate the 2 halves and disconnect the throttle cable from the grip. Take the half of the housing that has the cable in it and run it and the cable through the forks so that the cable does not go through the forks. Reconnect the cable to the grip. Reassemble the switch assembly and readjust the tension on the cable.

The easiest way, in my opinion, to install the new risers is to do them 1 at a time. Remove the top clamp at the handlebar on 1 riser. Loosen both risers slightly, about 3 turns. Loosen the riser that has the top clamp removed completely. Lift the handlebar slightly and turn it away from the riser that you have just loosened. You should now be able to remove the stock riser. The lower bushing can stay in place*, as it will be reused. Install the 1st Pull back riser. The HD pullback risers have a “flange” at the bottom, which is exactly the diameter as the “flange” on the 1400’s Triple tree
The kit comes with ½ “ bolts that will go through the bottom bushing and right into the riser. The only thing I’m not sure of is if I used the bolts that came with the kit or if I used a different length. I had about 3 different length bolts by my side during installation in order to have the right length. Be sure you have an inch and a half to 2 inches of thread holding the riser secure and use a lock washer on the bottom. Don’t use too long of a bolt or it will bottom out. At this time don’t tighten the new riser completely.

For the next step you should have another person to help. Hold the handlebar at both ends and loosen the top clamp on the other stock riser. Lift the handlebars into the pullback riser that you just installed all the time gently pulling any cables that don’t want to come along. Install the top clamp on the pullback riser and tighten enough that the handlebars wont move up and down. Remove the other stock riser and install the other pullback riser. Lift the handlebar into the other pullback riser. Install the top clamp and tighten everything.

Installation of the original top bushing is also possible by Machining, or grinding, the hole to accept the ½ inch bolt.


These instructions were provided to me by
Intruder Alert Member Gradona

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Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
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