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Driving Lights

Almost everybody wants more lighting for riding @ night.
I used two 55watt driving lights attached to the turn signal
stalks on my VS 1400 Intruder. This setup will also work on the
VS 800 Intruder & possibly the Volusia & 1500 LC. To attach the
lights I used 3 piece clamps in two sizes. 1" and 1.25"

Pictured below are the clamps themselves
Separate the clamps and switch one side with the other.
Install on front Signal stalk as shown. One will need some
electrical tape to prevent sliding.

The lights I used had a Black Ground wire which I attached
to the screw that holds the neck cover in place.
The White wire I ran to the Switch, which is tucked
between the front of the seat and bottom of the gas tank.
Run a ground wire to the switch, if it's of the lighted variety.
Next put a fuse in the line that will power the lights & run this
from the power source to the switch. Make sure the power source
isn't hot when the key is off.

Low Beams
High Beams

55 Watt Driving Lights

There is a lot of useful information on this site, but errors are possible
All Images/external links open in New Tab
Helpful answers are $1.00 each dumb looks are still FREE
These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
I started gathering this information in 2002
Some of it has been collected since 1985

Some information (parts & part numbers/suppliers etc...) are no longer
available or have Changed. The Information contained in these pages,
should be considered to be a
, on where to start YOUR search if information has Changed
If You Attempt Modifications & Ruin Your Motorcycle

It Is Your Problem.
If You Are Not Mechanically Inclined,
Get Help From Someone Who Is

I Am Not Responsible For Use/Misuse Of These Tips & Tricks
Use @ Your Discretion


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