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Last Update 04/04/2021

Installing Forward Controls
**VS800 & VS1400**




1. Place bike on level surface and put it on a stand. (Either a jack or one like mine) Be sure to allow room
to move the side stand .

2. Disconnect shift linkage at the shift pin. Leave on your controls.

3. Disconnect the brake cable. And kill switch wiring from the controls.

4. Disconnect the safety stand Kill Switch and bypass by plugging the wires together. Tuck this behind the
side case.

Pull the retaining pins on the exterior 4 bolts at
the undercarriage.

Remove all 8 bolts, being careful not to drop the OEM control unit on your body parts. It is not necessary
to remove the pegs as they are not usable on the Highwayman unit.

7. As you lower the control unit you will be able to remove the brake master cylinder from the control unit.
Use caution to not bend the brake cable housing as it will be re-installed to the new FWC.

8. Install the shift linkage to the new control unit.

9. Slide the unit under your bike and install the master cylinder and brake cable. (Use shim washers to align
the cylinder in a good fitting location.) Mine went “in” 2 washer

10. Using a “buddy” or blocking, raise the FWC into position and start all 8 bolts. (Don’t forget the loctite and washers)

11. Connect and adjust the linkages and brake cablebefore tightening the undercarriage bolts.

12. Install your new pegs, or floorboards and adjust to your feel.

13. Check all bolts and connections for correct tightness.

14. Remove the bike from the stand and go ride!


**If you have pictures of this procedure I would appreciate them**

This tip From a Cafe Member

There is a lot of useful information on this site, but errors are possible
All Images/external links open in New Tab
Helpful answers are $1.00 each dumb looks are still FREE
These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
I started gathering this information in 2002
Some of it has been collected since 1985

Some information (parts & part numbers/suppliers etc...) are no longer
available or have Changed. The Information contained in these pages,
should be considered to be a
, on where to start YOUR search if information has Changed
If You Attempt Modifications & Ruin Your Motorcycle

It Is Your Problem.
If You Are Not Mechanically Inclined,
Get Help From Someone Who Is

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Use @ Your Discretion


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