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Poor Man's Cruise Control


50 cent O ring sized 1/8"/1" ID. I think the number is a 214

It wedges itself between the throttle grip and the switch housing.
Note the keyring: That is to unwedge it when you need it off.

In use



Fast Cruiser

This tip/trick is bought to you from the Farmers of
The Intruder Alert CAFE

There is a lot of useful information on this site, but errors are possible
All Images/external links open in New Tab
Helpful answers are $1.00 each dumb looks are still FREE
These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
I started gathering this information in 2002
Some of it has been collected since 1985

Some information (parts & part numbers/suppliers etc...) are no longer
available or have Changed. The Information contained in these pages,
should be considered to be a
, on where to start YOUR search if information has Changed
If You Attempt Modifications & Ruin Your Motorcycle

It Is Your Problem.
If You Are Not Mechanically Inclined,
Get Help From Someone Who Is

I Am Not Responsible For Use/Misuse Of These Tips & Tricks
Use @ Your Discretion


© 2002-------> Intruder Alert.Ca