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Battery Box Covers VS 1400 Intruder


Here is the template for the battery box covers. The ones
I made just slip on outside the box using all the existing holes,
you'll notice the notch for the right side only. This is to fit
my '93 - I've noticed the notch will not be necessary on the
newest 1400 I saw in the showroom but you'll see what I'm
talking about, it's a little brace that clips there, it could be
removed to make the box cover look better which is probably
what I will do in the future because cutting a square hole is
difficult in such thin material.

The holes were pretty easy
with a drill. I made the long straight cuts with a big paper
cutter then trimmed in with sheet metal sheers being careful
not to crimp the metal. The bends I did by folding over a
square table edge and hammering with a rubber mallet.

You'll have to take the battery box completely loose and drop
it down to put these on as all the bolts must be taken loose.

I also sprayed my box with krylon chrome - not REALLY chrome
but a nice silver metallic, that looks pretty good. Hope this
works for you - took me longer to make the template than
to actually make the covers but it was worth it. Let me know
how it turns out and send pics if you can.

On the template the dark outlined clearly visible circles are
where the holes go - those really faded light circles are just dots
that showed through when I rubbed the template to mark it -
don't drill holes there - pretty self explanatory but wanted to
mention it so you won't waste expensive material.

I got the polished stainless steel from a bullet style trash can
from Lowes that I bought new for $89.00 plus tax and brought
home and dismantled. After removing the lid and bottom and
the inner can which just lifted out I cut with metal sheers right
down beside the seam. The material is very thin, don't know
the exact thickness, but after the bends along the sides and
with the thickness of the original battery box for support it
works well.

UPDATE - There are small stainless steel bullet style trash
can that would make for some GREAT material.

Click For Larger Version

Note Large image might be too large and thus need to be resized.

print off paper copy and test on battery box before Cutting plates

This tip is courtesy of Eddie D from the Intruder Alert Cafe

*** This tip might also work for the VS 800 Intruder ***

There is a lot of useful information on this site, but errors are possible
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Helpful answers are $1.00 each dumb looks are still FREE
These Tips come from many people, on the various
motorcycle forums I frequent.
Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
I started gathering this information in 2002
Some of it has been collected since 1985

Some information (parts & part numbers/suppliers etc...) are no longer
available or have Changed. The Information contained in these pages,
should be considered to be a
, on where to start YOUR search if information has Changed
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