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Back Off Module


I had a "Back-Off" module installed on my Virago, and just transferred it to my 1400 Intruder. Installing a back-off module is the cheapest modification you can do to a bike to get the attention of those behind you that you're stopping or stopped. Every time you apply your brake, it flashes three times, then goes solid for a few seconds before repeating the cycle. This continues as long as the brake is applied (front or rear).

The Back-Off installs directly in line with the rear brake light. It comes with no connectors of any sort, so you'll need to buy two sets of small bullet connectors which will enable you to return your bike to original configuration with no additional effort.

The brake/tail light power runs through a three wire connector directly under the passenger seat. The brake light wire is the white wire with a blue tracer (W/B). You'll find that wire inside the round rubber protective sleeve. It'll be attached to a white three wire connector. Squeeze the protective sleeve and slide it forward as far as you can. Unplug the white connector to give yourself more access to the W/B wire between the connector and where it passes through the fender.

There's not a lot of room there, so don't cut that wire until you've got your bullet connectors and have assured yourself that a bullet pair will be able to fit into the short distance between the white plastic connector and the wire loom that disappears under the rear fender.

When you cut the W/B wire, crimp a female bullet connector onto the wire that comes directly from the white connector. This ensures you don't have a bare hot lead hanging loose should the bullet pair get disconnected. Crimp a male bullet connector onto the other wire. These can now be plugged together to complete the original circuit whenever you might wish to do that.

Next, crimp a male bullet connector onto the input wire of the back-off module, and a female bullet connector onto the output wire of the module.

Next plug these two connectors into the ones you just installed in the original wiring. Plug the bike's white connector back together, pull the protective sleeve back to it's original location, and curl the excess Back-Off wires into that protective sleeve.

Locate the Back-Off module onto the forward part of that protective sleeve (butted up against the larger protective cover that covers an assortment of relays also located under the passenger seat) to enable the passenger seat to be reinstalled without interferrence with the module. Before reinstalling the back seat screw, make sure the seat attach point comes into full contact with the fender attach point without applying excess pressure. You may have to move the Back-Off module around just a little to get the good fit (it's tight in there).

And, dat's dat.

Regards, Gary in Sandy Eggo

Available From Signal Dynamics

Gary is a Member of the Intruder Alert Cafe


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