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Air Filters 1400


K&N Air Filter Part
# SU-1487 This is a Drop In Replacement

The trick to the front air filter on the 1400 is this:

1) Remove the bolts that hold the oil cooler to frame
and let it rest on a towel on your front fender (or tie
it up a little with cord.)

2) Remove the bolt on bottom front of front air box
(now accessible with oil cooler out of way).

3.) Remove rear top bolt from front air box.

4.) Disconnect breather hoses, etc. from front air box
(very easy to do.)

5.) Pull entire front air box out toward rear of bike.

This is 10 times easier than trying to get filter out
with air box in place. I think it is actually quicker
as well, even though it is a few more items to

P.S. Ever notice the road dust that accumulates on
your bike in a single day of riding? This same fine
dust/dirt is also being drawn into your filters. Don't
expect to see large debris on the filters. If the filter
foam was white, you would see more clearly the
amount of dirt they are catching.

Tip Courtesy of Capt1295 @ the Intruder Alert Cafe


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Note: "VS" Intruders & "S" series Boulevards
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Some of it has been collected since 1985

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should be considered to be a
, on where to start YOUR search if information has Changed
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